KusKUs MOmentO
Monday, August 12, 2013
coming Back..
tebalnye habuk blog ni smpai terlupe password sudah..hahaha tp however i managed to remember ..lucky me..
okay..2 years after the last entry... obviously so many things happened in my life.. the biggest thing I'M MARRIED!! alhamdulillah.. to whom? to someone who i share my last 7 years knowing each other and sharing everything that i know, n bersyukur dialah jodoh n sekarang mnjdi en.suami yg disayangi selalu..kikikikikiki... :)
will share all my stories in this two years silent..in incoming entry k..
Sunday, July 17, 2011
new ME~ :)
Ok..ok..why ‘new chapter’..because nowadays n onwards..everything is going 180degrees (360?)off from my life in kuantan before...am become more stay-at-home lady every day and only going out when my mom asks to or once every 2 weeks..believe it? Never believe myself either..*big grin.. why? No money lah!haha..even that one of the reasons, the others, i just want relax myself out and appreciate my good-goyang kaki-feeling b4 the ‘calling’... my personal life---it’s different now..in a good way of coz.. don’t think the appalling one..we are adults now! Hehe..always pray for the best..n insyaAllah everything is going to be okay..:)
Everyone is overwhelming by books and info now..oh my..am not..am the way around..keeping busy downloading and watching and listening too much!! The heart-rending thing is, am afraid of becoming bad habit indeed..they keep me away from u, books...huk3..who’s to blame rather than myself..true? yes..indeed..TRUE!
Others? As my age already reach ehem22...24 last june..ehem22..:D am feeling matured enough but my voice cannot be changed la..;p how much i want to keep it matured, it turns out---ruined! Kekeke.. so..sesape yg ade wish dlm hati---bg la suare MIftah..bertuka on my last birth-day..well,my friends..seems..to be not granted! :D but am happy with how i am sound when i speak and that resonance vibrates through ur ears..haha.. im grateful!:)
Smile alwys..
p/s: nothing personal..just something to share n kill my time
current ‘drugs’ even not up-to-date but here it goes
rolling in the deep, if i die young, 2am-u wouldn’t answer my call, jlo-on d floor, kim bo kyung-suddenly n kim soo hyun-dreaming..;) pokok?:p
last year celebration my luvly rumates:) n during pura's brthday.:)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
saYE & senyUM & False
Wargghhh.. i miss my friends, i miss to walk to friend’s room and gossiping of course. :D and talk as much as i could till it gets boring and get back to my room and watching movies. N yet playing basketball with friend is definitely i want to do the MOST at this time being! Even am not a good enough player but it funs to sweat and relax at the same time. I miss to jump around!!! People..people...let’s find a time for us to gather at least to play around, if possible. :(
Study??errr..what?what’s that?haha..denial state of being so much lazy-syndrome precipitated :p tu laa..cuti lame sngt..hehe.. nk bukak buku kt umah? Ehmm..that’s a very difficult task to do..study desk pon dh--> berhabok!sgt!..
Ok people..focus! even how much the syndrome gets u..jom! lets get our spirit on toll, ok! I am now..hopefully.haha... procrastination always bite me through time..sigh~ whatever~~
Kekawan..miss u lah! Lepak taj time rehat n late night xdpt dh..:( nk ponteng2 xdpt dh..nk main2 dlm kelas xdpt dh..nk main msk2 xdpt dh(errr...bile tu?haha..time batch pnye function je la kot)..nk usik2 xdpt dh..nk gadoh2 xdpt dh..tp yg rx6th’s members suke sgt gadoh kt shoutbox kn..xfun la yg tu..aduyaii.. so,sume xdpt.. ape yg dpt??? Kenangan lah..let’s treasure our friendship till d end ok? Luv u all laahhh friends!! (no need to mention names--> u know who u r..:D)
n kt bwh ni yg candid ok..kah3--evil laugh.:D
Monday, March 14, 2011
NK hbs Dah rupenYe..T_T
btw, it is common to have so much things to do b4 btol2 dpt study notes yg menimbon bagai. tak ats katil, ats meja..nk tdo, alih ltk ats meja, nk gune meja, alih ltk ats tilam..hahaha.. burok la mitah!! :D burok kn..hmm..xnk la mcm nie..jom kite kemas..klo korng dtg my room next time, sure, clean n clear..deep clean neutrogena..:p
knpe tulih post ni eh? becoz at least nk jugk post in 2011..archieve sblh tu duk 2010 jek..sakit mate tgk..dh xleh nk post in BI sbb kple skrg nk dlm BM akibat membace bahan bacaan sblm interview dlm BM..hehe tp last2..campor rojak buah dlm bilik interview tu..how can i say..mother tounge kt UIA ckp cmpor..:( ish..burok la mitah!! lagi...mrh ni..mrh..<>:D
for wht worst, i love to listen melancholic songs nowadays. so, melancholic songs+tlebih menghayati= tlebih sensitp..poor 'u' who are alwys kne fire..ish x elok btol la..burok la mitah..triple dh nie..:(
so, jom kite kutip sisa2 mase yg ade, wat memories.. so, next time, there will a time for REMINISCING all the memories together.. go go rx6th!! xoxo
dh2..jom bce poster+ wat PT..
btw, this is my fav song 4 d moment.walaupon xla uptodate pon pnye lagu tp biaq p la..hehe
Christina Perri: Jar of hearts..
Friday, July 2, 2010
squeezing RANdOM~`

Monday, September 14, 2009
dwelling~~ ^_^

It has been a long time since entering new sem, there’s no new post..hehe..it is expected u know .. Nothing to tell about n keep busying with new subjects that need so much attention though.
Now im in a home mode..holidays that i alwys waiting for..n this is the first time im back since last 3 months holiday. Happy~ that’s the word in my head n glad coz there’s nothing to worry about as my midsem exm was finished already. No exam after raya like the others n it makes me feel lucky enough in keeping myself to take pleasure in this mode.. ^_^
But what makes me fret rite now is i x shopping raya lagi..-_- ...still...it is a last minute as last year, evrythng was done before last week of ramadhan..huh.. pasar payang.. will be my destination on this whole week..hmm..please plucking me in attempting the traffic jam n people that smtimes really annoying.. argghhh...adding to my melancholy..i’ve to go alone..alone..alone..huh..my sis will coming back at nite before raya...-_-.. Suppose to go along with me instead of giving me money to buy everything ALONE.. :-(
Raya is approaching and Ramadhan is leaving us.. i even dun realize that time is passing by really swift and almost end of it already..sad.. i really enjoy this Ramadhan..beyond doubt.. :-)
Lets double our ibadah in this last week (last 10days)..n hoping in getting through next Ramadhan..insya Allah..
Enjoy the new song..my new fav.. hee~ ^_^
Tuesday, June 30, 2009